
Minggu, 02 September 2012

Crazy Dancing with the Sun

Today is sunny day. And We have an idea to promote our new clothes. So We went bathroom to take a bath and prepare our make up in a hour. Then... We go to place for take some picture , Oh the place can't protect me from the bright sun shine and people around who always tried to looking at me. Ahh! I feel ashamed sometimes caused it. HAHAHA. Here are details my looks today. I'm wearing of my sister's top. She bought it about 2 weaks ago from some boutique in mall of my town.. :) and the jeans lengging it has brushing colour combine of pink, green and white likes neon colour. It bought by us almost one year ago from our hunts in online bazaar. But, still cool lenggings! you know?

Make Up, and hair by Melina Astri Rahayu
Mixed by Giberella Butik
Top by Looks Butik
Brush Leggings by Online Bazar @MX Mall  
Shoes by Bucherri

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